
A new Colombia - Panel with Paula Moreno, Paula Gaviria, Juan Camilo Cardenas and Juan Forero

Following the 2016 peace agreement in Colombia, the country is contending with issues of discrimination as it paves a new path forward. This panel highlighted economic development, comparative advantage, economies of scale, and much more, in a manner compatible with the diverse and multicultural nature of the country.

Paula Gaviria Betancur
Executive Director, Compaz Foundation; Member, United Nation Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement

Juan Camilo Cardenas
Professor, University of the Andes

Paula Moreno
President, Manos Visibles;Former Minister of Culture, Colombia

James A. Robinson
Institute Director, The Pearson Institute; Reverend Dr. Richard L. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies and University Professor, Harris School of Public Policy and Department of Political Science, University of Chicago

Moderator: Juan Forero
South America Bureau Chief, The Wall Street Journal

Panel A New Colombia

Panel A New Colombia